Civic Action and Stewardship of the Earth and Each Other.
About Tamela Trussell
Founder of Trussell Learning and Community Education
Environmental Educator Founder of Trussell Learning and Community Education & Foundation and the Move Past Plastic, MPP, campaignTamela has been a science educator for youth and college level students for over 30 years. She was born in Virginia and had the privilege of running wild in the wilderness of NM during her youth. After completing her master’s in science education from Virginia Tech, she moved to Redmond, Washington where she experienced daily precipitation and sun that grew 35 different plants and vegetables on her small third-story balcony. For the past 25 years she has embraced the lush green forests and streams of Central Pennsylvania while homeschooling her now grown, three children with her husband Larry.Having the opportunity to live in four distinctive areas has given her a deep appreciation of the different ecological and cultural needs of different places. She describes herself as an animal of the Earth, no more worthy than other living and nonliving things. She has always loved nature, learning, and sharing knowledge with youth and the community. She is an advocate for environmental civic action and has promoted this through programs like Boy Scout of America when she was a Venture Crew advisor and the numerous sport and science programs she's developed for TLC Education and Foundation and other teaching experiences.For the past year she has immersed herself in hundreds of webinars, conferences, and courses such as the Beyond Plastics course by Judith Enck at Bennington College. She has also become a Climate Reality leader, Master Watershed Steward, and serves on several Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association board committees. She also serves as an executive member of Carlisle Climate Action Commission and with Cumberland County Climate Action Commission. Tamela also serves on the Beyond Plastic Speaker Bureau as a guest speaker on the single use plastic issue.As an innate systems thinker, she knew that plastic was connected to many positive and negative aspects of our lives. Intuitively she realized that it is in our environment and water and in particular the oceans as trash. But what she’s learned over the past year is that plastics are the Keystone issuefacing the globe. It is a ubiquitous part of our lives that impacts every system on Earth including all of us and the organizations we represent. It impacts our environment, social, cultural, institutional, legislative, and economic fabric of our lives. It is for this reason that she founded Move Past Plastic, MPP. This group of individuals and partners seek to educate, design municipal policy, legislation, and research alternatives while supporting initiatives of their “Big Sisters” like Beyond Plastic. She is grateful for the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of those without a voice.Education dedicated to experiential learning through investigative, interactive, and interdisciplinary courses, camps, field trips, and sports programs that promotes civic action and a sense of community. Principal Programs CoordinatorWebsite and Social Media DesignerPrincipal Curriculum DeveloperLead Instructor for all K – 12 science programs Founder/Head Coach/administer for Carlisle Canines Soccer TeamFinancial managerHead Communications DirectorMarketing DirectorHome School EvaluatorI am a home school Evaluator for grades 7-12 and am on the Evaluators list at the Carlisle school district.
“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but
adjust to the object and you shall find a way around or through it. If
nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.”